Hair loss is quite normal but it’s when you feel that you are losing what you would consider to be more than a normal amount that you should investigate further.

Many different conditions can lead to hair loss.  Childbirth, the Menopause can all be responsible for changes in our hair and the loss of it.  

Our hair follicles do not all grow at the same time as each one will be at a different stage of its growth cycle.  So, it’s normal to have continuous hair loss which is usually balanced out by the growth of new hair.

Other factors that can cause hair loss are suffering from a severe illness for instance Pneumonia or even recovering from an operation. The stress of an illness causes the hair follicles to go into a resting phase which means the hair growth temporarily stops.  The human hair cycle is several months long which is why you may only notice a difference in your hair even when you’ve recovered from your illness.

Hypothyroidism is when you lose your hair due to Thyroid disease.  Hair loss due to thyroid disease usual becomes noticeable several months after the actual diagnosis.  Hair loss can sometimes worsen following the withdrawal of treatment also.

Hair loss associated with autoimmune thyroid disease; - If a person has one autoimmune disease, he/she is more likely than other to develop some other autoimmune condition such as Alopecia areata.

If you are experiencing hair loss it can certainly be very concerning and you should definitely seek advice of your GP.  It is unusual for thyroid disease to cause hair loss without other symptoms of an over or underactive thyroid.  Your GP will decide if it is necessary for you to have additional test to exclude other causes such as an iron deficiency.

Most causes of hair loss and eyebrow loss caused by thyroid disorders are temporary, but it can take several months for the medication to stimulate new hair growth.

The most important thing to know is that you are not alone and that its quite normal to feel psychological impact of hair loss.  Once you know exactly what you are dealing with following a GP consultation then it’s easier to focus on the future.


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